Rich bamboo culture techniques

Rich and fragrant bamboo prefers a warm, moist and well-lit environment. It is resistant to half-shade and avoids exposure to the sun. The optimum temperature for growth is 18°C ​​to 25°C. Begin sleeping below 13°C, minimum 10°C. During the cultivation, watering is moderate. Spray water in summer and pour less in autumn. The family grows a bamboo that can be potted, cultivated and bonsai.

Potted soil requires good drainage. In spring and summer, cut stem segments 10 to 15 cm and insert them into moist sand. After 20 days, when sprouts emerge, they can be divided into upper pots, or with 3 to 5 cuttings, inserted directly in pots, and they can also grow. Pots and soils are kept moist and less fertilizer is needed to prevent leggy. Pour some liquid fertilizer at the right time to avoid the lack of fat leaves yellowing. After being taller, it can be trimmed to maintain a beautiful appearance.

Aquaculture is very convenient. You can insert the branches into a suitable vase. Long branches, 5 to 7 sticks inserted a large bottle; branches short, 4 to 5 sticks in a bottle, evacuation inserted, should not be too crowded. Fill half a bottle of water and do not fill it up. When the branches enter the water, the leaves and sheaths must be removed to prevent rot. After ten days and a half months, the lower part of the branches began to take root. After that, pay attention to adding water (not changing water) to prevent the bottle water from getting dry. In the spring and summer months, a small amount of compound fertilizer is added every month, and a bottle of small grains keeps the leaves green.

Rich bamboo is easy to plant, can be placed for a long period of time, has strict requirements on the environment, and rarely occurs pests and diseases, and beautiful shape, perennial green.

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